Report or inform about Abuse in a facebook group managed by us

Stichting Lucifer and Scam Alert manage a fair amount of Dutch housing groups on facebook.

If you wish to report abuse or inquire about a possible ban because you can not access a specific group please use the form below to contact our security officer.

You need to supply us with at least the following information:

  1. The URL of the group or at least the Group Name
  2. The URL of the profile you want to report or inquire about
  3. Copy/Paste any evidence like a text advertisement (no image links or screenshots)

Without this information we can’t help or do anything.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message

    Wanneer je dit formulier gebruikt, ga je akkoord met de opslag en verwerking van jouw gegevens door deze website.

    Do no try to promote a service via email you will get blacklisted / Gelieve geen diensten via email
    te adverteren je beland gegarandeerd op een zwarte lijst.


    Stichting Lucifer Projects Page