Rental Contract OK check

Rental Contract OK check

Is a free service provided by us for expats or international students that want to have a third party quickly check if a rental room / studio contract in Leiden / The Hague is legitimate or not. Try to also ask for a Dutch version of the contract so we can compare it with the English translation they give you. By law they are required to give you a Dutch version if requested so you can send it off to a legal adviser.

To use this service is easy just forward the contract(s) you received preferable in PDF form but we can accept it in PNG, or JPEG format as well to:

contract.check [ad] stichtinglucifer [dot] nl

We will contact you via app(if known by us) or via email if the contract is OK or not.


Please take extra care to remove your own ID from the email you are forwarding to us if you already send this to a potential landlord, we don’t need it to help you.

As for sending ID’s to landlords try not to do this unless they have a clear privacy policy stated on their website and a way for you to upload your document safely.

Use an app to watermark your ID with text (This copy was given To mr. Landlord for a housing contract at full address, postal code, Leiden) overwrite your photo partially with this watermark  so people can not use it for scamming in the future.

Hide any irrelevant information like personal number given by your government/PIN/home address/names of children or parents. Only your own name, birthdate, birthplace, document number, issue and expiration date is actually needed at first to make up a contract, at time of your arrival they can get to see your document once you collect the keys and you can give them a paper copy.

The string of text underneath most passports or ID cards can be hidden as well since it contains personal information you might not want to give away at first.

After the check all information will be purged from our system, however if the contract is fraudulent we will add the data of the scammer in our own database for future reference so we can help others more quickly.

GDPR note: If you by any chance did send your own ID by accident don’t worry you will receive a message from our privacy officer informing you that when your data will be purged. We will not keep anything of yours on file longer than we need to but with personal ID documents send accidentally to us we will take extra care to inform you about this.